joe moran gallery

joe moran gallery
(WCA Photo)
Located on the 4th floor of
Wascana Place

The joe moran gallery, opened on May 19, 1984 and is named after Joe Moran, former Executive Director of   Wascana Centre Authority from 1962 until 1987.

The mandate of the gallery is to exhibit quality artwork which suitably represents the diverse nature of Saskatchewan artists. The rational is clearly slated in Wascana Centre authority's purposes: "the Centre is devoted to ... the advancement of the cultural arts."
(WCA Pamphlet)


  Artists wishing to have a show in the gallery should submit a written proposal to the Gallery Curator outlining the medium to be exhibited and the theme of the show.

Slides or photographs of the artwork should accompany each proposal which will then be evaluated for suitability in the art gallery. A selection committee will review the proposal and notify the artist of their decision within  one week of receiving the submission.

  All artists exhibiting work in the gallery must be living in Saskatchewan on the date their proposal is accepted by the gallery.

   Upon acceptance of the proposal the artist will be required to enter into an agreement with the joe moran gallery.

  A minimum of 50% of the artwork placed on display in the gallery must be for sale and the gallery will retain a 35% consignment fee. Only original artwork will be displayed and 2 dimensional work must be properly framed and matted.

   Wascana Centre Authority and the joe moran gallery will assume liability for artwork while it is on display in the gallery.

Contact Wascana Centre Authority for current agreement details.

(WCA Pamphlet)

joe moran gallery
(WCA Photo)

For more information Contact
Wascana Place, 2900 Wascana Drive
Box 7111, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P3S7 Canada
Phone   (306) 522-3661
Fax     (306) 565-2742

Disclaimer: This is an unofficial site.

copyright 2000